An expanding collection of limited-access videos for Hypefury Premium and Standard users.

Last month, I tested 𝕏 ads.

In this video, I share:

🦅 My Confession: A Journey to Professionalism

In this video, I share:

No specific action requested, just sharing insights.

🦅 Finding Inspiration and Getting Started

Many people ask me: "What should I write about?”

This doubt blocks them, so here are a few tips to find inspiration and get started.

🦅 Writing for likes vs Liking to write

Do you optimize your posts to get more likes? Great!

But there’s a more effective approach.

🦅 How to take advantage of trending topics

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Don’t waste time trying to post a trending tweet, instead, use the trick I talk about in this video.

🦅 Focus on videos and gain extra exposure

December 2023


It used to be that you had to tweet 3 times a day or more.

The situation now has changed and 𝕏 is rewarding videos. Here’s how you should take advantage of this new trend.

🦅 𝕏 Ads – I’ve never talked about this before

Last month, I tested 𝕏 ads.

In this video, I share:

🦅 How to Boost Engagement on X🚀

Threads and long-form tweets are great ways to engage your followers. In this video, I discuss when you should use one or the other.

I'll also share my best tactics to encourage meaningful conversations. They will make your X journey more enjoyable and increase engagement and impressions.

🦅 Summer Holiday Tips for Twitter ☀️

Are you going on holiday? If you'll stop tweeting for one week, your impression will drop. You can lose even 75% of your average reach.

There’s a quick fix for this. Check it out in this video.

You'll be able to relax without wasting all your previous efforts on Twitter.

🦅 Finding inspiration beyond your niche 🌟🌟🌟